10 July 2015 A Pallet Wrapper Can Make Big Cost Savings For Your Warehouse!

Wrapping Numerous Pallets Each Day?
ABL Can Help You Save Money With Automatic Palletwrappers!
When Do You Need A Palletwrapper?
How many pallets do you wrap per day?
The rule of thumb is 8-10 pallets per day. Don't forget wrapping may include goods inwards as well as goods outwards.
Many customers who regularly unload containers yet only dispatch small items still find that a pallet wrapper saves money.
Where's The Saving?
Always in labour costs. Manual wrapping can take 5-10 minutes per pallet.
Also store people can double task and pick other orders while the machine wraps.
Other "plus" points include less downtime costs due to WHS issues like bad backs and shoulders as well as superior product presentation due to consistently well wrapped products.
Must Haves!
Big regrets will occur if your pallet wrapper doesn't have:
- Photo cell height detection (needed for easy "no hassle" operation
- Forklift slots (without them they are a big problem to relocate)
- A ramp (if your forklift breaks down and you have to use a pallet jack you'll want a ramp!)
- Also plan out your warehouse space to include an easy access and a good flow location for your palletwrapper (allow at least 4m x 3m for your palletwrapper).
- Note: Our range of palletwrappers only need single phase power.
Review your needs and check out these options:
- Turntable diameter - Standard is usually 1520mm diameter (i.e. for 1200 x 1200mm pallets) but you may require 1800mm or even 2200mm for consistently large pallets.
- Mask height. Standard is 2.2mm. Consistently "tall" pallet loads may necessitate a 2.8m mack.
- Powered pre-stretch. This option may help when you need to change palletwrap tension for different products e.g. in a logistics warehouse where you have many different types of product.
- Black photocell eye - Needed with black palletwrap or dark products.
- Turntables only. Great when you have heavy irregular loads e.g. gym equipment. Otherwise not recommended.
Low price "headline deals"! These "deals" often exclude freight (say $250 - $500+), installation (do you want to waste many days trying to work out how to assemble and to program your wrapper?)Stick with a reputable company and pay a fair price!
We know that our pallet wrapper has saved us thousands of dollars since 2003!
We are confident that the right palletwrapper will be a winner for your warehouse..