24 June 2015 How To Remove Glue Residue And Marks

Do Your Products Have Grubby Marks From Glues And Other Adhesives?
Do You Spend Hours Cleaning Off Marks While Detailing New Equipment For Sale?
Or Worse, Have To Spend Time And Money Sending Staff To Clean Up Off Site?
There are two main answers;
1. Tapes With Little Or No Residues (Always Test First!)
A) Auto Grade Or Above Masking Tapes:
Masking tapes are a "get what you pay for" product. The more sophisticated the adhesive, the dearer they get. Listed below are some solutions. (Remember that you can use masking tapes as packaging tapes in critical use situations).
- 111 Auto Masking Tape: Economical auto masking tape, internal use
- 301+ Yellow Masking Tape: Yellow, premium, internal use, temperature 107ºC
- 401+ Green Masking Tape: Green, premium, internal use, temperature 121ºC
B) Premium "Gaffa" Tapes:
3M 8979 is an unique tough gaffa tape that removes clean for up to 6 months in difficult external environments. We sell a lot of this tape in the mining accommodation industry where products can sit "exposed" for many months.
C) Natural Rubber packaging tapes:
Occasionally a natural rubber packaging tape (PP30 Packaging Tape) is a cheap "rough and ready solution. But be warned it may not work!
2. Clean Up Products
A) De-solvit Citrus Based Cleaner:
De-solvit is a citrus based cleaner that will remove glue residues. In most situations, a quick spray followed by a short "soak" and then a wipe with a cloth or a towel is all that's needed.
B) 3M Specialty Range:
These products are best for the tough to remove glues associated with VHB or other high tack premium double sided or single sided tapes.
- Spray 300 Hipa is an excellent isopropyl based cleaner for general use
- Spray 700 is the "go to" product for hard core situations. 700 even helps in the dismantling of products!